Knight <3
Treffeiltä suuntasimme tapaamaan Knightin siskoa Divaa omistajineen. Diva on valtavan kaunis, ystävällinen, avoin ja hauska. Diva on veljensä tavoin vauhdikas ja aina valmiina työntekoon. Diva on hyvin miellyttämisenhaluinen ja rakastaa pallon perässä juoksemista. Divalle on suunnitteilla pentuja hienosta yhdistelmästä, hauskaa! Diva on harrastanut omistajansa Sabinen kanssa useita eri lajeja ja toimii terapiakoirana koululla. Kiitos Sabine, oli upeaa tavata!
Knightin sisko Diva
The morning began with the second date with Knight. Nessa was first playing a bit hard to get, but couldn't resist the handsome young Knight. So, second breeding was a success as well.
After meeting with Knight we drove to meet Knight's sister Diva. Diva was very beautiful, friendly, outgoing and fun dog. She is also full of speed and will to work. She has a strong will to please and loves her ball. There are great pups planned for Diva next summer, so nice! Diva has done multiple sports with Sabine and is also working as a therapy dog at school. It was so nice to meet Diva and Sabine, thank you!